Tommy Telandersson

Sedan 2007, när jag lämnade IT-branschen, har jag mer eller mindre på heltid jobbat med snickeri i olika former. Jag har tillverkat allt från möbler för inne- och ute-bruk till friggebodar, tillbyggnader och uteplatser.

På hösten 2007 började jag på en 3-årig utbildning på Möbelsnickarskolan i Upplands Väsby. I september 2011 var jag klar med min utbildning och hade färdigställt mitt gesällarbete, fått det besiktigat och godkänt och den 2 november, 2011 fick jag mitt gesällbrev i Stadshuset, Stockholm.

Före mitt drömjobb som möbelsnickare hade jag en lång karriär i IT-branschen. Jag började där redan 1969 och var därmed involverad under en stor del av uppbyggnaden av branschen i Sverige. Den mesta tiden arbetade jag på leverantörssidan och speciellt då i samband med nyetableringar för amerikanska företag i Sverige. Väldigt inspirerande och spännande, men också intensivt och krävande där jobb och privatliv ofta flöt ihop. Även om jag under flera år var i ledande befattningar hos leverantörer, så trivdes jag alltid bäst ute i verksamheten hos dessa leverantörers kunder. Känslan av att bygga något som hjälper verksamheten hos kunden är en mycket positiv drivkraft för mej.

Min stora passion ligger i att skapa och bygga nytt och kreativt söka lösningar på intressanta problem. En av mina starkaste sidor är min samarbetsförmåga och mitt fokus på slutmålet och resultatet av arbetet. Jag har alltid varit noga med att kunderna skall vara nöjda med resultatet av projekten och detta tar jag också med mej in i min nya verksamhet.

0 reaktioner på ”Tommy Telandersson

  1. The Concealed Wiki is an encyclopedia like Wikipedia, is located in the profound интернет, is people of the most complete guides to access the pages with ‘.onion’ domains, This encyclopedia maintains an needle of prohibited portals. This put is characterized around using wiki corpus juris and because, although it belongs to a wiki-type engagement, it has its own speciality: «.onion» that would succeed the “.com” domain.

    The veiled wiki, URL (Link 2023), this encyclopedia of onion links, is a absolute directory of urls and links ONION-TOR, it is section of the hidden wikis on the designing web.

    What gratification do we summon up in the secret wiki?
    Financial services: Here we can find out bitcoin mines, in supplement to stolen paypal accounts, cloned faithfulness cards, monetary secrets and simulated bills (dollars and euros).
    Commercial services: Good fettle here we also come up with deathly markets (weapons, ammunition, false documentation and drugs).
    Anonymity and security: documents with instructions to strengthen solitariness in TOR (unusually in behalf of a sales event or transactions of bitcoins).
    Hosting services: In additionally, we also spot web hosting services and file сторидж (images and videos), these services offer monasticism and asylum on their servers.
    Blogs, forums and boards of images: individually from those dedicated to the sale of products, divided into two categories ‘hacking community and the stock exchange of images of all kinds’.
    Email services: These sites provide vacant and paid addresses, with SSL and IMAP support. In additionally, most of them importune in IRC or XMPP.
    Partisan activism: exchange of censored files, hacktivism and pages to organize administrative assassinations
    Secrets of state and snitches: there is a representation of Wikileaks and a variety of pages where break the news about secrets with petty activity.
    Virtual libraries: We can also ascertain books (PDF) with finished message, much of these books distributed illegally.

  2. The Hidden Wiki is an encyclopedia like Wikipedia, is located in the deep интернет, is inseparable of the most undivided guides to access the pages with ‘.onion’ domains, This encyclopedia maintains an guide of prohibited portals. This situate is characterized by means of using wiki code and because, although it belongs to a wiki-type calculate, it has its own realm: «.onion» that would substitute for the “.com” domain.

    The veiled wiki, URL (Constituent 2023), this encyclopedia of onion links, is a complete directory of urls and links ONION-TOR, it is in the main of the veiled wikis on the deep web.

    What content do we summon up in the secret wiki?
    Monetary services: Here we can find out bitcoin mines, in addition to stolen paypal accounts, cloned faithfulness cards, fiscal secrets and feign bills (dollars and euros).
    Commercial services: Start here we also call up disgraceful markets (weapons, ammunition, unsound documentation and drugs).
    Anonymity and gage: documents with instructions to reinforce reclusiveness in TOR (unusually for a on the block or transactions of bitcoins).
    Hosting services: In additionally, we also spot интернет hosting services and portfolio storage (images and videos), these services offer privacy and security on their servers.
    Blogs, forums and boards of images: singly from those dedicated to the trade of products, divided into two categories ‘hacking community and the exchange of images of all kinds’.
    Email services: These sites take measures free and paid addresses, with SSL and IMAP support. In addendum, most of them achieve in IRC or XMPP.
    Factional activism: reciprocity of censored files, hacktivism and pages to organize administrative assassinations
    Secrets of state of affairs and snitches: there is a reflection of Wikileaks and a variety of pages where around secrets with petty activity.
    Accepted libraries: We can also on books (PDF) with finished knowledge, much of these books distributed illegally.

  3. The Covert Wiki is an encyclopedia like Wikipedia, is located in the resounding web, is one of the most undivided guides to access the pages with ‘.onion’ domains, This encyclopedia maintains an guide of prohibited portals. This put is characterized by means of using wiki code and because, although it belongs to a wiki-type engagement, it has its own domain: «.onion» that would succeed the “.com” domain.

    The hidden wiki, URL (Constituent 2023), this encyclopedia of onion links, is a complete directory of urls and links ONION-TOR, it is scrap of the secret wikis on the deep web.

    What gratification do we summon up in the secret wiki?
    Monetary services: Here we can procure bitcoin mines, in addition to stolen paypal accounts, cloned faithfulness cards, financial secrets and simulated bills (dollars and euros).
    Commercial services: Start here we also come up with disgraceful markets (weapons, ammunition, made-up documentation and drugs).
    Anonymity and security: documents with instructions to strengthen reclusiveness in TOR (exceptionally for a on the block or transactions of bitcoins).
    Hosting services: In addition, we also discover web hosting services and parade сторидж (images and videos), these services care for privacy and guarantee on their servers.
    Blogs, forums and boards of images: singly from those dedicated to the sale of products, divided into two categories ‘hacking community and the exchange of images of all kinds’.
    Email services: These sites provide vacant and paid addresses, with SSL and IMAP support. In additionally, most of them creation in IRC or XMPP.
    Factional activism: reciprocity of censored files, hacktivism and pages to pigeon-hole political assassinations
    Secrets of state and snitches: there is a mirror of Wikileaks and diverse pages where advertise secrets with undersized activity.
    Accepted libraries: We can also ascertain books (PDF) with finished poop, much of these books distributed illegally.

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